Matthew Putman

Matthew Putman

Co-Director of Student Election Watch Programming

Matthew Putman is finishing his Bachelor of Arts in International Relations with a minor in Economics at the University of British Columbia this year, graduating in May 2020. He is excited to be part of this year's Asia Pacific Youth Council. Matthew is originally from Guelph, Ontario, but he moved to Vancouver in 2015.

His interest in Asia Pacific affairs began when his classes at UBC started taking a more global perspective than anything he had previously encountered. He leaned into this budding interest and has since been on the lookout for opportunities to engage with and understand Asia Pacific affairs. Matthew was previously part of the Student Election Watch team for the 2019 Indonesian general election, and he is looking forward to building on that experience. Beyond the Asia Pacific Foundation, in his spare time he enjoys exploring Vancouver and trying to find the best places in the city to just watch the world around him.