The APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) will hold its second meeting for 2022 in Vancouver 25-28 April 2022 to deliver some of the major outcomes for the year, including the Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) Letter and the ABAC Statement on the World Trade Organization and preparations for the MRT-ABAC Public Private Dialogue in Bangkok, Thailand on 21-22 May 2022.
ABAC is a private sector arm of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), comprising 21 member economies. ABAC’s primary mission is to advise APEC officials on business sector priorities and concerns, and present annual recommendations to APEC leaders. ABAC’s members include CEOs, presidents, and senior executives from APEC economies.
Canada’s ABAC Member representatives are Timothy D. Dattels, Chairman of TPG Asia; Janet De Silva, President and CEO of the Toronto Region Board of Trade; and Joseph S. Fung, Managing Partner, Saltagen Ventures.
The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada serves as the secretariat for Canada's ABAC members, providing research, analysis, and administrative support.
This meeting is closed to the public.
Visit ABAC’s official website to learn more about ABAC and its activities.

APF Canada would like to thank the Business Council of British Columbia and DiliTrust Canada for their generous support of ABAC II 2022.