Asia Leaders Speaker Series: Economic Impacts of COVID-19: Lessons Learned from South Korea’s Response

South Korea fight against coronavirus

The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is proud to share its second Asia Leaders Speakers Series webinar, Economic Impacts of COVID-19: Lessons Learned from South Korea’s Response.

South Korea has earned wide acclaim from international observers for its swift and organized response to a rapid rise in cases early in the COVID-19 pandemic. This response enabled the country to contain the novel coronavirus's spread, ‘flattening the curve’ without comprehensive lockdowns or travel bans, which have characterized many other countries’ experiences.

In this online event, recorded on May 13, 2020, noted economist Dr. Choi Byung-il and public health expert Dr. Kwon Soonman will speak to the multifaceted response by South Korea’s government, industry, and civil society that helped buoy the country – socially and economically – during the pandemic. Discussion will be moderated by Dr. Yoon Songyee, CEO of NCSOFT West and 2020 Chair of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada’s Asia Business Leaders Advisory Council.


About the Speakers:

Dr. CHOI Byung-il: Professor and Former Dean, Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University; President Emeritus, Korea International Economic Association; Former President and CEO, Korea Economic Research Institute.

Dr. KWON Soonman, Professor and Former Dean of the School of Public Health, Seoul National University; President of the Korean Health Economic Association; Former President of Korean Society of Gerontology.

About the Moderator:

Dr. YOON Songyee, Chief Executive Officer, NCSOFT West; Asian Business Leaders Advisory Council (ABLAC) 2020 Chair.


More in our ALSS webinar series:

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