APF Canada and Universities Canada Announce Inaugural Canada-in-Asia Conference

The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and Universities Canada are pleased to announce the Canada-in-Asia Conference, a signature event for Canada-connected individuals, businesses, and institutions across Asia, to be held in Singapore February 21-23, 2023.

The inaugural Canada-in-Asia Conference (CIAC2023) will engage over 30 Canadian universities and over 500 participants – Asia-based alumni of Canadian universities and key leaders from Canada and Asia in business and government – to catalyze a new and transformative phase of Canada-Asia engagement.

Over two days at the Fairmont Singapore’s Raffles City Convention Centre, the program will combine keynote and inter-disciplinary plenary sessions, concurrent thematic activities based on priority sectors for Canada, strategic networking opportunities, and an evening gala event. The conference also offers participating universities or partner organizations opportunities to convene additional activities with their respective communities.

Visit the CIAC Website for Info, Speakers, and More!

Canada’s universities are global leaders in developing the knowledge, skills, and leading research that demonstrate Canada’s unique capabilities and contributions. Alumni in the region act as ambassadors for Canada and are a valuable resource for deepening Canada-Asia relations across business, geopolitics, academia, and civil society. The Canada-in-Asia Conference will unite these alumni with other champions of transpacific engagement to create the most extensive people-to-people and institutional linkages across Canada and Asia to date, while offering alumni a unique opportunity to grow their professional networks.

For alumni, CIAC2023 represents a unique opportunity to:

  • Meet and network with fellow alumni of Canadian universities from across Asia
  • Make new connections and build new networks in Asia and Canada for future collaboration
  • Access high-value individuals and organizations from Canada and Asia
  • Hear from senior government ministers, current and potential Nobel-laureate researchers, dynamic business leaders, and cultural figures
  • Collaborate in finding solutions to pressing challenges facing our two regions and the world

“Our two organizations are building a platform for Canada’s strategic re-engagement with Asia, while showcasing the value of some of Canada’s most important assets – our universities and alumni of those universities. This event is a unique opportunity for us to build and strengthen individual and institutional linkages across Canada and Asia, and work together to find solutions to pressing challenges facing our world,” said APF Canada President and CEO Jeff Nankivell. “We know that the multi-sectoral partnerships this conference will enable, extended across borders and barriers, will allow us to accomplish more – in education, in business, in research, and with government.”

Alumni of Canadian universities based across Asia are encouraged to register now. Invitations with a special discount code for alumni will be extended via university alumni networks, so please be in touch with your university's alumni program to find out more about their CIAC plans.

We also welcome attendees from the Canada-Asia business and innovation landscape to register shortly at our general admission rate. For now, please save the date and check back for updates.

Visit our CIAC2023 website for more information, or contact events@asiapacific.ca  | #CIAC2023