Jean-Francois Denault

Jean-Francois Denault has been working with innovators and entrepreneurs in life sciences as a professional consultant for more than fifteen years. He has worked with more than 50 different clients in life sciences (including larger companies such as J&J, P&G, ABBVie, and Denka Seiken). Jean-Francois's clients are located all over the world, and he has completed projects with clients in over 25 different countries, including Japan and China.

Jean-Francois has a graduate degree in Management Consulting, an executive MBA (specialized in the bio-industry), and a graduate degree in organizational communication. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Brand Strategy and the Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing. He has written a dozen articles for various publications, and is the author of both the Handbook of Market Research for Life Sciences and the Handbook of Marketing Strategy for Life Sciences.

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